Honour the way he was thinking. Ray Hunt was so great Horseman that he have a bold to say it and live they way he said. He have left a leagacy of saying truth and always love the horse first.
Last years have teach me the most of who I'm and how I like to live my life and this text caught on my eye.
It's a hard people to understund that they really can't bye me or screw up with they money or they status..not anymore.
When I was younger you could put me a really dangerous and shitty situations and I did get many I call "bad deals". I taught then that's the way to build my bisnes and have a more experience.
I was, like I'm today, so willing to help anyone who asked my time, that I lost my self-respect. I was so young when I started to take horses to be fix, that I really didn't know how to take the "people pulsshit".
It's a bit funny (it's not but it is)that you can deal a really agressive or a bad behaving horse in front of you, but people are the ones you are shaking and they can effects you mind like desease!
People get mad, they really get angry and defended by themselves like mean way.
Now I see it in way - Egos get "hit".
When you say straight the truth about they poor handling or just mistakes that they do cause they are unexperienced in training horses.
80% of people will attack! They will say that you where no good. They say and do anything that they can keep the ego with them. You will have accusations in any level you can think of.
I don't make up this cause I want to be mean or disrespectful not at all. I say it cause I know how it gets your mind and your action when you are learning and expose your ego, Im not any different as anyone. It's just the way it is in this horsetraining, breeding, teaching bisnes.(and everywhere!!)
I know that I'm not the onlyone in this job to think this way. This is a well-known issue in world wide.
We are all learning and teaching one another, so we could say that we are in the same soup!
But we need to be aware our egos and how we deal people actions, how we take responsibility in our feelings. You need to have some trust that I'm just trying to help, thats my job.
My job is not to make you feel sad, mad or defended. My job is help horses and then you.
I know by now that you can only help if they let you. You have as a fact wery tiny shot to change the way people think and do. Even they think they are ready and willing to step forward of learning, it's a difficult road stil.
Understanding and skils will come to all of us from trying. From hard work in physical, mental and technics. They don't come always as you wish nice and softly. You are learning in you mistakes and if you are really humble and honest you will step forward more than backwards. Eventually you learn.
Horses and my job has teach me how to respect myself more the way that it's helping now even bigger horses and people with them.
Now I tell my self everyday that I'm doing this cause I love horses. Horses are the reason to continue this lifestyle and job. It's all about the horses, people after that.
One gratest thing hit me,
- You are always responsibility how you act, who you act with and where you act.
You can't blame anyone but yuorself.
I have really learn appreciate my teachers, my family, my huspend and my own life.
I can see now sooner those people who are just waisting my energy and time.
And most important I can see in front of me!
You people, who are in my life right now.
Ray Hunt was a great Horseman. He did have something so unique that people have post these storys and his words around the world all these years.
With this I like to thanks my true honest talented mentors, trainers, coaches, friends Katja and Rick. You can't even know how you are helped me all these years and wishing many mores to stil come!
You have never teach me nothing but being thrutfull myself and kind to my horses.
Thank You.